
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Look guys, I'm not dead!

Myself and Cam, under the cedar in The Woods.

Visiting Old Sacramento. This was the best photo-op ever. Connected and separated by the same thing...

ALSO--I know a bunch of you are waiting for letters from me. I'm working through the backlog of correspondence now, so they'll be getting to you sooner than later. Sorry for the wait!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Comparing SM7's AND an Anonymous Letter

Congressional Elite (CE)

Elite (E)


Congressional Elite (CE)

Elite (E)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Archive

Leila, desperately clutching a 1914 book of 'Modern Furniture'. At $40, she ended up putting it back on the vast shelf behind her.

The Archive can be found HERE AT THEIR WEBSITE.

I do not claim any ownership of the included passages by Jack Finney; merely using them for a review. The ownership is that of the rightful copyright holder.